


Mixed Paintings and Drawings

cloak.jpg (33493 bytes) pain.jpg (28762 bytes) horse.jpg (35330 bytes)
Sentimiento Indigena/Sentimental Native (acrylic) De La Serie Rescatando Piel de Patria/From the Rescue Series: Skin of Patriotism (acrylic, (0.8 X 1m) Sueno Volatil/Fleeting Dream (acrylic, 0.8 X 1m)
angel.jpg (39530 bytes) manbird.jpg (41422 bytes) beak.jpg (19757 bytes)
Rescate del Angel/Rescue of the Angel (ink, 0.5 X 0.7m) Mujer y Paz/ Woman and Peace (silk screen, 0.5 X 0.7m) Pajaro y su crito/Crying Bird (acrylic, 0.8 X 1m)
woman.jpg (45147 bytes) carry.jpg (29042 bytes)
Mujer/Woman (ink, 0.5 X 0.7m) (acrylic)
wings.jpg (28295 bytes) woman2.jpg (39753 bytes) flight.jpg (23753 bytes) mirror.jpg (25442 bytes)
Angel Mimos/ Angel Mimes (acrylic, 0.6 X 0.8m) Ecos en azul/ Echos in Blue(acrylic, 1. X 1.2m) El Rescate/ The Rescue (acrylic, 1. X 1.2m) Acrobacia des nuda/ Naked Acrobat (acrylic, 1.5 X 1.2m)
trapezeumb.jpg (27621 bytes) clownchimp.jpg (34170 bytes)
Escenas/ Act (acrylic, 1. X 1.2m) Acrobata y cuerda floja/ Acrobat and Tight-rope (acrylic, 0.6 X 0.8m)